Security Tips

Get in the habit of using different, strong usernames and passwords for all accounts.

It is important to use a different password for each of your accounts, even though it’s difficult to remember them all. When you use the same password for multiple sites where you shop or log in, one incident at any of those places leaves you at risk everywhere. Make sure to avoid using really obvious or easily guessable passwords (such as 123456 and password1234).
Keep track of all the sites that require you to use your email address as the user ID at login. Make sure that email account has very strong security and recovery information that is hard to guess and unique from all your other accounts. Finally, never share your passwords and pins, and change your passwords and pins frequently. One easy way to manage multiple, complicated passwords is to use a password manager or vault.

Don’t use passwords and switch to passphrases.

Another way to come up with a memorable, ironclad password is to use a passphrase, a series of numbers, letters and symbols that stand for an easy-to-remember line or phrase. They’re longer and more secure, and you’re more likely to remember a sentence than a word. For example: Why go to the beach when it’s raining? = YGo2tBwit$r@ining?

Don’t just click on a hyperlink. Test it out first.

Another tactic that scammers use is to attempt to get you to click on a hyperlink in an email or online ad that looks like it will take you to your favorite shopping site but actually leads to an illegitimate one. Before clicking on any links, hover over them to see the full URL and make sure you know where the link is taking you. If you’re not sure it’s safe, don’t click on the hyperlink. Use a web browser to navigate to the brand’s trusted website instead.

Be on the lookout for red flags in every email.

Scammers definitely take advantage of busy times, when people are more likely to be receiving confirmation and shipping emails, promos for deals and more digital goodies. They create phishing emails that appear to be from your favorite brand to catch you off guard. But if you look closely, there are features that will tip you off that something isn’t right. For example, they usually come from a slightly “off” email address that’s different from the company’s official handle. Misspelled contacts and brand names, typos and bad grammar are also big red flags. So before opening, ask yourself: Am I expecting this email? Do I recognize the sender’s email address and is it spelled correctly? If this email references a company I shop, does it come from the company itself?

An extra level of security by A two-step authentication on account.

Always add an extra level of protection to your account. you can setup a two-factor authentication on which will send a code to your phone/email during login when you enter the password. Once you enter the received code, you will be logged into your account.


Phishing comes in many forms and sometimes looks like legitimate communication from a retailer. The intention of phishing is always to get personal information from the victim, such as logon credentials, identifying information and financial information.
To protect yourself from phishing, remember to pause, keep calm, and be extra cautious when reviewing emails. To identify phishing emails, it’s important to remember while you may receive many legitimate emails, before clicking any links, validate that the sender’s email matches an email you’re expecting. If you have any doubt, don’t click any links and visit the site directly.


Refers to a threat actor/fraudster using the to lure a guest into revealing personal information via text message.
They will often offer a service or request a survey with the intention of getting personal information from the victim, such as logon credentials, identifying information or financial information.
Similar to phishing, if you receive an unexpected text message with a link, you should be extra cautious and contact the reporting party directly to confirm its validity.

Computer Take over Scam

In this scam, the scammer will pose as a representative from a bank or retail store that needs to access your computer or email to initiate a refund for overpayment by the customer. The customer provides access to their computer, bank account or online retail account and the scammer subsequently steals gift cards and financial data from the victim.

Co-worker/Boss Scam

Scammers will send a text message masking the caller ID to appear as a co-worker or your boss and request gift cards for work or personal need. The scammers then instruct the victims to purchase gift cards and give them the gift card numbers via text message.

The Grandkid Scam

In this scam, the scammer will pose as a relative or friend, calling a victim and indicating that a loved one is in some sort of trouble (e.g. kidnapped, arrested) Sometimes, the scammer even pretends to be the loved one or in a position that can help and asks directly for money. The scammer then instructs the victim to purchase gift cards and give the gift card numbers to the scammer over the phone.

Tech Support Scam (Computer/Helpdesk)

In the “Tech Support Scam,” scammers will often pretend to be associated with Microsoft, Apple or a cybersecurity-related company and say that your computer is infected and that they can help. These scammers will often ask for remote access to your computer and will pretend to run tools on your computer that “discover problems.” These scammers will then pressure the victim to pay them, often through the purchasing of gift cards. Sometimes this scam will be in the form of pop-ups or online ads that look like alerts on the screen.

Mystery Shopper

Scammers send a check and letter to victims and inform them that they can make money as a “mystery shopper” for a retail store. They try to get victims to deposit the fake check, create a cashier’s check and buy items at the store. The fake check bounces after the guest has sent gift cards and merchandise to the scammer. The scammer may also use this tactic to attempt to get personal information from the victim. Target is not affiliated with any mystery-shopping firms or individuals.


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